Day 4 - Azores to UK

Donald Macdonald
Wed 5 Jun 2024 17:21
Position: 43.21N 21.22W

Steady night sailing with the wind strength up and down so reefs were going in and out by early dawn reef 2 was in. We tacked at 0700 on to port and making better VMG to Poole. We expect to be on this tack for another 12-18 hours then we may get a little shift so we go back on to starboard for a day or so. Who knows, as now we have just 7 knots of breeze and lowest forecast breeze is 10. If stays this low for an hour will opt to motor to hopefully pick the breeze up quicker. 904nm to go.

On the afternoon look around the boat for wear and tear or bits coming loose noticed the jib on one of its seams near the clew has lots of holes in it. Opted to put a patch on it as tye wind was light, the patch would not stick even after cleaning the area with water and drying. Suspect too much salt in it and unable to remove that is embedded in the material. Will have to keep an eye on it and if gets worse furl it away and use the heavy weather jib till the end with the speed penalty that will give us in the light conditions.

It is noticeably colder onboard and fleeces, warm hats, sleeping bags and blankets have come out to keep warm. It is nice when we get the odd bit of sunshine.

Today's dinner will be chilli con carne, mash, mixed veg, cheese, sliced bread, then pineapple chunks.