Day6 - Fast with big sea

Donald Macdonald
Thu 8 Jun 2023 18:23
Position 42.38.877N 21.35.651W
Took a lot longer than expected for the breeze to build early hours of the morning and a good few hours later for the backing. When have consistent course 10 degrees below rhumb line will hold course and let the wind come forward expect 2 reefs to go in. Presently seeing 20-26 knots which if stays and beating will see the 3rd one in too and maybe the heavy weather jib on the inner forestay.
The hole in main is from one of the turn buckles on the 1st spreader. Investigation in port I think unless we get to drifter conditions. So far when 1st reef has been in too wet to fit a patch. You can see wear further up where sail rubs on the spreaders, will get sail maker in Ponta Delgado repair hole and add wear patches at spreader level.
Visibility still low with the fine drizzle keeping humidity inside boat at 95+%, everything feels damp. Sea temperature is 20°C which is 2°C warmer than my cabin, no wonder always feels good outside even if wet.
Sleep not too bad, got about 5 hours overnight and a couple 30 minute ones during the day.
Main meal delights today is Heinz spaghetti bolognaise, cheese, pitta bread and then mandarins in juice. Snacks this time around bourbon biscuits, gummy fruits and the rest of the very large chocolate bar.
Thought I had got away without breakages today. Just got back to this post putting 2nd reef in as we were up on our ear going nowhere, Whilst putting in said reef heard a metallic bang looked around at boom nothing to see, continued with reef. Once in and tidied up noticed it was a guide for 2nd reef pulled straight of the mast with 4 monel rivets. Hope I do not need to put this reef in again as does cause damage and possible jamming of line in pulley as not guided. With the sail down lower see a very small hole where sail rubs second spreaders. Sea far too big to try and patch bigger holes need both hands to stay with boat with the 3 meter waves/swell rocking the boat around and surfing the odd wave with 25 knots on the beam. Whilst watching world (sea) go by sitting at back of boat decided to look at rudder post, locking nut appeared to have backed off half a turn. In to cabin get some tools try and get all the undone bit back and hopefully locked in place even harder. Regular checks in this sea now the norm of the day.