San Miguel, Ponta Delgada to UK, Poole

Donald Macdonald
Sun 2 Jun 2024 15:29
Position: 37.59N 25.45W

Dentist seen yesterday afternoon and big repair done on tooth, old filling removed and all rebuilt to cover extra bit of broken bit. The denstists in the Azores do seem very good and are definetly a lot cheaper than UK counterparts.

Cleared immigration and packed boat up and left the dock at 10.20 local. We went around the west side of the island because we would not have to beat yet. In the dock we had 1273nm to go, going west that went up to 1277. By the time it came back to 1273 we had covered 20nm over the ground. We are now north of the island reaching along doing 6.5 knots. We will get nearly a day of this then will be beating and not heading directly where we want to go. Present indication is that we will be beating for 6 days.
1264nm to go.

When the sun is not out it feels quite chilly and we know we have some proper cold spells to come with tempertures down to 11C. We have made access to warmer gear a lot easier. Will start our watch system properly at 1800 UTC.

Dinner tonight will be chicken balti, peas, mashed potato, Azorean cheese, sliced bread then tinned peaches.

The time indicated on all emails will be 4 hours out. It should be 4 hours later, this computer was not operated in the Azores when on the internet to update the Android emulator.