Strange things

Basil Panakis
Wed 2 Jul 2014 07:32
40:47N 22:08W
Early morning 0805 BST. We will have to curtail these
blogs, despite the factthat Jackie is looking forward to them, because of lack
of minutes left. See how it goes.
On the way to Horta, during the night of Sunday to
Monday's arrival a yacht had been following me all night from the time he got me
up when the alarm went till the next morning, he came as close as 1.4 NM from
me and then overtook me. As I had the engine running I put the radar on and
could see him on the radar from my bunk. Meanwhile I could see on the AIS
screen a lot of other yachts in the distance all bunched up. They seemed to be
talking to each other, I thought it must be a flotilla coming to Horta. I
put down a few numbers but I gave up, I scribbled "too many" in the log. It
turned out to be all the yachts in Horta had their AIS on all the time, while
they were moored alongside.
The other morning while still dark went on deck to check
things and see this white light, thinking it is the stern light of a yacht.
Looked at the AIS, nothing. Glimpses of red were showing with the white, I
altered course. After a while I noticed that the light was very steady, it
turned out to be a rising star. Second time this has happened to me during this
In 1965 I lived in Bristol and bought a Vespa to move
around. In those days there was only one motorway in England the M1. I took the
A4 went to London then on to Cambridge, North Wales, Mid Wales and across the
Severn with the Aust Ferry back to Bristrol. There were no Severn Bridges
then, the first one opened in 1966. On Monday I had my test and I passed it. A
brilliant way to go around with the "L" plate and then pass your test. I had a
lovely week's holiday.