Sailing again

Rob and Jacky Black
Fri 23 May 2014 19:54
38 45.6N 20 48.1E
Thursday 22nd May
Valtoo Bay Lefkas
What a delight to be swinging on the anchor at last in glorious sunshine and finally having our lovely boat back in ship shape condition having spent the last week cleaning the decks, fibre glass topsides, fenders and socks, the cabins and wood work below. We finally left Lefkas marina on Wednesday and motored to one of our favourite anchorages just a few miles south where we spent some time testing all the new equipment and in between enjoyed the lovely weather and the peace and quiet! To be woken by the sound of the goat bells, fish jumping and the swifts sitting in the rigging has been wonderful!
All seems fine and the only problem encountered this evening was that the outboard engine is over heating so when we get back to the marina tomorrow we will have to get that checked out - a minor problem compared to all that has gone before!
Check the blog site for pictures:
arwenofboshan {CHANGE TO AT} blogspot {DOT} gr
We hope to start proper cruising once the outboard comes back so watch this space for further news!