Vinisce again

Rob and Jacky Black
Thu 22 Aug 2013 07:47

43 29.2 N 16 06.8 E

Vinisce Bay Thursday 22nd August

We had an interesting passage south east navigating carefully through the scattering of tiny islands between Prvic and the mainland coast with our destination of Vinisce Bay an anchorage we had been in in late June. We had some large dolphins pass the boat – one came right across the bow and it was at least 3 meters long – a bottle nose type; however the 5 or 6 animals didn’t come to play around us so no pictures this time but lovely all the same to see them! We arrived at our anchorage at midday and were surprized at how quiet it was -only one yacht and one small motor boat at anchor. We took the dinghy ashore to investigate the possibility of a bus connection to Split and discovered that this would be possible so Jacky decided to get the 0700 bus the next day to go sightseeing in Split. However this plan was amended later when we had a visit from a lady in a small scruffy boat who wanted us to pay to anchor in the bay! We remonstrated at this and asked where her office was – she told us it was in Trogir. We said we would go to the office to discuss the payment the following day. The charge was only 10K per meter per night but it was the principal of the matter we were concerned with! We left at 0600 on Friday morning and went to Split by boat!