last chapter for this year

Rob and Jacky Black
Sat 24 Oct 2009 12:01
37 11.3N 26 48.0E
Agmar Marine yard
Well we are finally out of the water in the yard on the North east corner of Leros. We motored up to the bay
here and picked up a buoy for Thursday night and as it was rather windy left the removal of the jib until Friday morning. We were up at first light - around 0715 to get this sail down and folded and then we were radioed by the work men to tell us they were read to lift us out. This all went very well we had to motor into the loading bay where the stern was fixed while two men held the bow steady and the hoist slowly lowered its strops to go under the boat. We then got off and before we knew it up she came - the first thing we both looked at was the sail-drive leg (because of past experiences!!) but all was fine and the hull was incredibly clean really just some coral worm growth around the rudder stock and in the seam where the keel joins the hull. We were soon on the cradles and back on board - a ladder having been provided for the duration of our stay. Later the men came back to power hose off the hull which has come up very cleanly so not much rubbing down to do in the spring. We did various jobs like stacking the anchor chain on the pallet provided, stowing away the bimini cover and blocking off any holes that birds or other beasties might find inviting!
The job list has gradually been shrinking as we work through things like checking stores, cleaning bilges, washing bulk heads etc. This morning two work men arrived to remove the propeller which I later cleaned using a product recommended by the yard manager it took 10 minutes to soak and another 10 while I rubbed off the sediment. So much quicker and more effective than last year when I used a dilute solution of Hydrochloric acid and it took me the best part of an afternoon.
There are a few other folk living on board while they pack up for the winter so we will be getting together for a BBQ tomorrow (Sunday) weather permitting. Talking of which today is rather overcast but yesterday was hot and sunny with temperatures at 27 degrees in the afternoon! The laundry facilities here are excellent so tomorrow we will get the last of the washing done and that will leave just the packing and last minute washing of floors etc for Monday. Our flight from here to Athens has been delayed to 1420 so we will not now be able to take a quick trip into the city for sight seeing - have to be next year.
I will not be writing another blog now until next year as this email address will be non-functioning from the end of this month. Please use the googlemail address for contact and watch this one again from April 2010!
Thanks for taking the time to read our news we hope to see many of you in the winter.