We left Barbate after 0900 having decided to butt the tide
for a few hours as we sailed down towards Tarifa. The swell was big and the wind on the nose – we reefed
the main and for am time had a small head sail out. The wind gradually got up and at times was gusting to 30
knots while the short steep seas slopped every third wave over the bow. Needless to say progress was very slow and in the end the
engine was engaged again. The journey continued with several squalls, rain, thunder
and lightning, a major wind shift enabling us to free off Just after Tarifa followed by gusts and more rain with the
wind at one point over 34 knots!! We were more than glad to arrive into Gibraltar Bay where
the wind dropped and we got all the sails away ready for entry into Queensway Quay Marina. The final sting in the tail came as
we approached the entrance and the wind got up again to over 25 knots So we delayed our approach for another 30 minutes. However
once in the mooring was fine although we are bow into the quay and the
passarell doesn’t work as the jetty is to low making the gangplank too
steep to safely use! Fortunately the boat next door is unoccupied and for sale so
we are using it to get on and off. Did a huge Morrison shop this morning and took a Taxi back
– I left Rob to unpack while I went off to get wifi to send emails etc. Again unfortunately the Waterfront bar still cannot enable
‘vista’ operated systems to connect successfully so I will have to
find somewhere else to go to send this or resort to the satellite phone! We plan to leave tomorrow and head for Almerimar. Jacky and Rob |