Tuesday 19th June - Staggin' on through the South Pacific

Jon & Carol Dutton
Sun 24 Jun 2012 01:05

3:20.27S 111:12.31W

Tuesday 19th June – Staggin’ on through the South Pacific

 It’s approaching sundown on Saturday 23rd and we’ve covered a little over 1250NM from Galapagos and we’ve got about 1750NM to go. Thursday saw us cross the 105º meridian – so another 15º increment from Greenwich crossed off the ‘to do’ list and all our watches and the ship’s main clock were set back a further hour during the lunchtime dog watch.  So, we’re now 7 hours behind GMT and 8 hours behind current local UK time.

The wind over the last couple of days has been a bit fickle.  In particular, yesterday served up about 10 knots from the east for most of the day.  Not quite enough for comfort.  So, distances run have been moderate on both days – 145NM and 148NM in turn.  A couple of extra knots of wind makes a huge difference to the stability of Percy the Parasailor and adds at least a knot to our speed.  This morning the wind perked up a bit and we’ve had around 13 knots from the ESE for most of the day.  That’s better.  That big smile that Percy shows when his wing is up and stable has been in evidence all day and we’ve been making 6.5  to 7 knots consistently.  It’s still much too early to start predicting timings for landfall.  In fact we haven’t yet decided where that is to be.  Because Chris needs to fly out from Nuka Hiva, at the north end of the Marquesas, we’ll need to get there in time for his flight.  However, if the wind gods are kind we may have time to call in to one or other of the islands SE of that before he flies out.  Fatu Hiva would be nice.