Half Way

SY Ghost
Tim and Clare Hagon
Fri 6 Dec 2013 09:20
13:50.92N 39:14.64W
It all seems to have been a bit busy on board over the last couple of days hence the lack of up dates.  Two days ago we celebrated our half-way point in mileage terms with our first cold beer of the trip. (Headwear courtesy of Vera – many thanks.) We’re hoping it’s not half-way in terms of days too! It’s been a slow crossing so far with the trades being so elusive but it’s always a good feeling to have less miles to go to your destination than you have already sailed from your departure point. Another blank patch up ahead was forecast yesterday so we gybed over and headed further south in the hope of avoiding it. We’ve held good speeds overnight and the boys both managed to miss the rain squalls on their watches. Still, it’s meant to be good for the hair.
Two days ago we reached that stage of the voyage where the last of the bananas needed to be turned into cake. Sadly our super-smart electronic scales can't cope with the movement of the boat and flash from nought to nonsense and back again with every tilt.  Resorting to guess work produced something that was certainly cakey but wouldn’t have won me ‘star baker’.
Both fishing reels were screaming by 0650 yesterday and by the time we’d slowed the boat down, one fish had got away but the other was a 20 lb tuna. Not sure whether it was albacore or skipjack but Tim bled it quickly to save the flesh and it made very good eating for supper last night ..... and lunch today, and probably supper tonight as well.

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