06:20.220S 123:01.691W Less then 1000nm to The Marquises

Shaya Moya
Don & Susan Smyth
Tue 28 Jun 2011 20:23
It's been 6 days since the last blog entry and I've got quite a bit to share...
We had our half way celebration three days ago and enjoyed a platter of cheese and biscuits. What a party it was!!
Only 970nm to go. For some that sounds like a lot considering it will take us another 6 days, but for us it's the last third. Hopefully we can do it as fast as the first two thirds of the journey. We were averaging 200nm a day which is really good for a boat of our size and considering we never used the engine. "Big pat on the back" I sat hopefully because so far it seems unlikely. We've had to motor now for 22hrs to keep our speed at 7kt which, compared to the 9kt averages we were used to, seems painfully slow. Hopefully, the wind will pick up soon and we can turn the engine off, it make a hell of a noise.
So highlights of the last few days...
We've been visited by some rather large aquatic dwellers a few times, we know this firstly, because our depth sounder tells us and secondly because two days ago I saw what I'm sure was a huge whale. It never breached the surface of the water but it's gloomy shadow slid off through the swell behind us just as the depth sounder showed 0.5m Three or four times it's happened now and it makes us rather nervous. We've seen whales way off exhaling great big fountains into the air as well. The problem with whales and yachts is simple. If you hit one, you will mostly likely sink your boat. I bet a lot of you reading this never thought that was possible! It happens though and it makes us very nervous. I'm still dieing to get a good look at one.
We've also finally seen some dolphins again. They were swimming around the boat yesterday. I estimate around forty to fifty of the little blue-grey swimmers. Funny enough the depth sounder took no notice of them under the boat. We stood up on the bow for a good half hour watching them surfing alongside and in front of us.
We also changed the watch schedule around so that I could get some more sun and Dad could enjoy some night sailing. It took two days to adjust but now we're sleeping well and it works a little better for us because I'm not fishing on my off hours and can sleep a little more. Dad also really enjoys the night-sailing.
We've been eating really well throughout the trip, but I thought it might interest some of you to witness how we prepare meals. As they say, a picture tells a thousand words:
The right lure makes all the difference... I call this setup the curtain of death.            This little red-faced chap is a killer...
Success... Celebrating this 8kg Tuna with my fishing haka No. 11. Shortly after celebrations the work begins. (The boat is healing a lot!!)
First course...                                                    Second course...(Still healing)
It was great sushi!! Just tuna but absolutely great!!
Today started off quite slowly. We had very little wind and were motoring so we decided it was a good time to replace the tri-colour light bulb. The tri-colour light bulb replacement is my job and will always be my job because...
This is the tri-colour light, the cylindrical plastic jobbie with the red and green glass. The stuff around it is also on top of the mast. The best time to go up the mast is obviously when the boat is either in a marina or anchored somewhere very calm. It's a lot of fun if you're not scared of heights and the view is amazing from up there.
It doesn't look high from the deck but when you're at the top of the 25m mast looking down it seems quite high. That's why himself is not up here but down there watching.
He's also meant to be making sure I'm secured on the mast winch. It's so high that you can even see the curvature of the earth along the horizon.
See it? Try now to spot the whale in the picture...                                                    For those of you who can't see the whale...some Dolphins off the bow.
Well that's it from me for now. There will soon be another entry at latest when we get The Marquises but probably before.
Thanks again for all the emails and recipes for tuna... to send any other tuna recipes please use shaya {DOT} moya {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
Kind Regards