18:27.785N 064:31.486W

Shaya Moya
Don & Susan Smyth
Sat 16 Apr 2011 13:07
Thursday 7th April:
We moved to Marina Cay this morning. It's home to Pussers the rum that was issued to the English Navy so we tried some and i tried some more. We also hired a propelsion device, called a bladefish, to go snorkeling with. It was great and Sue's now put it on her list for Santa. With her new found toy she cruised alonjg with a very relaxed little turtle for quite some time (pics to follow).
At 1800 we decided to go have sundowners somewhere else for a change so off we went to Robb White's Summit Bar for HJ?appy hour and live music. The music was right up himselfs alley so D bought a CD. It was at that bar that i had some more rum. The cocktails were so good that i decided to see if i could 'try' them all... got pretty close, but then had to go home... Thank God.
When we got back to the boat, while we were winching the dinghy up, a belt broke and the whole damn thing went crashing into the water. Luckily no-one was uinder it taking the plugs out like i usually do...Thank God or the rum!