Day 102, Monday 24th November 2003

Mon 24 Nov 2003 12:38
Distance sailed last 23 hours : 125,5 nm
Yesterday afternoon after the start we had a couple of problems to be
solved. The log did not work and we had to take it out to clean it. In the
port of Las Palmas for 2 weeks was enough to have it blocked. The windpilot
called "Sammy" we have to trim. Last night it worked reasonable, but we can
still not let it work by its own. Today we will trim it further so that
Sammy can steer us all the way to St. Lucia. Also the rudder made some noise
which made us feel a bit uncomfortable. Ernst looked at it from inside and
noticed that the plastic ring just dried out a bit and watered it. After
this it stopped making the noise.
At around 3 am the wind increased to 5/6 bft. The sea became rougher. We
reefed both mainsail and genua. Camelia gets seasick and has to vomit.
In the morning in a squal we further reef both sails. Around noon we get a
Northern wind and the sailing becomes a bit more comfortable.
(the dutch version you find on