16:39.35N34:24.59 Sunday

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Sun 4 Dec 2016 15:19
Today the captain ,as is his prerogative,declared today to be a Sunday(ironical...what)
So the crew had a special wash and we had a fry up.sadly the sausages smelt a bit dodgy so over they went to feed the fishes.
As you know this blog is to give a flavour of life on board.Yesterday was a tale about one that got away and two that didn't.Some of the details are rather sordid so if you are sensitive please look away now!
The skipper caught a big one...a fish that is but it bit through the line and disappeared along with the lure.In the afternoon your blogger,exhausted after his blog was having a well earned nap in the saloon when a wave hit the boat and entered the hatch above my head and squarely landed on me like a bucket of water! The last event involves a little detail about life aboard which you may have preferred not to know. After a good" dump".......that and a good sleep are the main events to look forward to.....paper and wipes are appropriately deployed and put into a brown paper bag. The normal practice in to toss ones little parcel out through the hatch. On this occasion the hatch in Georges cabin was open and the package flew straight back and landed on his pillow! Luckily the bag stayed intact ,his head wasn't on the pillow and I was severely chastised. A flogging next time!!!
Yesterday we had a good sailing day but it was very overcast ,today the sun is out but the wind below our hopes so speed is down.
We're done Engerland,thank you FD.
If you are interested Brenda Fender had a good night but then she often feigns sleep.
Not weevils in the bread so bread and marmite on the menu.
More tomorrow ,
No. 2 rigger