26:25.66N15:22.92W Day 2

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Mon 21 Nov 2016 12:28
George has put out the fishing line which has clearly exhausted him and sent him off to sleep. The skipper is doing skippering stuff- working out how many degrees is South and where to store the red wine...the heads are "inappropriate " apparently .
Yesterday's departure was fantastic.Traditional music blaring out,our loved ones and enthusiastic crowds waving us off and a massive array of boats gathering at the start.
We got off to a good start and it wasn't long before we were last in the fleet.
The cruising Shute was successfully deployed and we sailed merrily along in about 10 knots of wind. I think we all found staying awake on our watches difficult after the days of preparation and the excitement of yesterday.
At about 0300 hrs. the wind died and I woke to the familiar sounds of our trusty(I hope)
Diesel engines.
We are heading south looking for trade winds and I hope we don't hit Africa!
More tomorrow ,
Chief crewman Packer