14:52.32N54:03.35W 1530hrs.15thDec

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Thu 15 Dec 2016 18:40
400miles to go which will be approx.100hrs. Hey...whose counting. Probably much more motoring from now which will give a more reliable speed.
I haven't said much about the nights yet.We have been doing a rolling 3 hr.watch starting at 2000hrs.so there is plenty of time to contemplate the stars.When there is no moon the display is fantastic.Currently we have a full moon which is amazing bright shining along our wake,almost daylight on a dark December day.
Food is holding out with occasional breakout of the exotics.....asparagus for lunch.Still plenty of water and beer!
During the night I heard a whisper in my ear" you ungrateful bastard, you want to take a look in the mirror yourself" so this morning I did and was amazed to see Bill Oddie looking at me.Where is the Nick Packer I used to know.Had a good all over fresh water wash in half a pint and feel back to myself.
Toodle pip, Shambles Packer