25:10.50N17:03.15W. Day 2 long way to go

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Tue 22 Nov 2016 11:44
The highlight was George catching a fish which is growing by the hour but was at least 4ft. It was an iridescent blue which sparkled in the sea,quite beautiful .Probably a Dorado. Just as we decided it was too big and too early in the trip to eat( the purser didn't want to waste our fresh meat) the fish leaped into the air,twisted around,spat out the lure and disappeared into the deep.
Today is like a different world......probably because it is the captain's birthday.
I am not allowed to say how old but George and I are now calling him the ancient mariner.He is very touched and grateful for all the card,gifts and messages he received.
Well done the McGouran family!
There is a 14 knot wind from the Northwest and all white sail up and SOG of about 5.5 knots.the sun is out and we have just seen 2 dolphin and a Manx shearwater.
The captain was allowed an egg for breakfast so all well with the world.
Kitchen Monkey