15:50.76N46:08.27W 1415hrs. GMT

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Sun 11 Dec 2016 14:46
It our own little world so much as happened....not.
Firstly we have had our best day of sailing yet... 130 miles in 24 hrs.......at this rate We may catch our flight but all the ARC staff will have packed their bags and gone off home. The forcast is hopefully favourable.
Whilst the crew have been in the cockpit doing manly things,watching the instruments,pontificating about the weather and generally talking bollocks the Skipper has been an absolute domestic goddess and spent a considerable time cleaning the boat including hoovering and Val is not even here to " encourage" him! George is going to do lunch so I feel somewhat redundant......time for a sleep!
As well as Increase in winds we are now getting some squalls where the wind speed suddenly increases often with rain so we have to keep a watch for these.
Question....if one( no names no pack drill ) has imaginary relations with an inanimate object(no offence Brenda Fender) is one committing adultery? Answers on a postcard....no the answer will be revealed tomorrow.