14:23.09N58:14.05W 2000 hrs local Saturday

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Sat 17 Dec 2016 23:19
28 days at sea and how ones perspectives change. Who cares who is in or out of strictly,has Rob been strangled in the Archers,does HGC have a secretary yet.BUT is the wind E.N.E. Or N.E.E. and does the grib have one or two tails,can I stretch 1 tin of chilli con carne into a meal for 3 men and when is the next beer,wash or sleep?
I think the journey can only be judged in retrospect .Certainly an interesting experience in many ways and I wonder how long it will take to adjust to the hurly burly of everyday life and it's important/trivial issues.
The Cooper cake has lasted well and has been a great morale booster.1 piece left for tomorrow. What power I have to give or keep!
2.75 hrs until my watch is over. More tomorrow with hopefully exciting( for us) news.
Night all,
The bearded one