Departure 3hrs to go!

Nick Packers Blog
Rory McGouran
Sun 20 Nov 2016 08:35
We feel we are as prepared as we can be although the rubbing strip has still to be fixed to the front edge of Katika.....a man is coming this morning!
The crew and our support team are meeting for a last breakfast,sandwiches to be collected......a hell of lot for 20 days! The forecast is for light winds to begin with and although we would prefer a little stronger for a heavy boat like us it's a lot better than gales!!
We are really grateful for all the work Liz and VAl have put in( VAl told me to say this),in fact I don't know how we would have managed without them.
George has worked like a Trojan,I have wandered around ineffectually and Rory as led us
admirably with quiet authority.....he might have been asleep!
So ,in those immortal we jollywell go.
Galley boy
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Nick Packer