07.40S 124.12W

Alan Franklin/ Lynne Gane
Fri 21 Mar 2008 04:07
"My boat is small and the ocean so large" this was a quote by Anne Davison when she crossed the Atlantic in 1952 in a 27ft wooden sailing boat.In those days 35ft was a large sailing boat,no electronic satellite navigation ,no gas cookers only primus stoves,none of the creature comforts,showers etc
We are probably 6x in volume to her boat and that quote still stands for us in the Pacific mind you its getting a bit crowded in our part of the ocean having seen 2 ships in three days we are quite use to being like the Mary Celeste.
There is nothing much to report except that we are 938nm from Nuku Hiva ghosting along under poled out head sails at about 7 knts and should arrive there about the 20th March.Two of the faster boats (53) who left several days before us ,arrived in today and probably 2 more will be in  by the end of the weekend.
Well Happy Easter to you all unfortunately the Easter Bunny doesn't visit the Pacific Ocean so its no eggs for us