Pirates and passage plans

The week trundles on with
me going to work at the local pub to upload and download e-mail, etc. David
always wants to come with me – just to make sure that I come back he says! We
have updated the list of things to do on the boat, and David and Lawrence were
dispatched to Cork on the bus (under the care of Bethany and Bryn) to source the
various bits of hose and screws to mend the leaky bits (I stayed on the boat to
work). They came back with an Irish SIM card each (Lawrence and David) and some
pick’n’mix (Bethany and Bryn) but not a single screw – it’s amazing what you can
buy in a chandlers in School is back on the
agenda every morning. So far, since we arrived in ·
times-tables, multiplication and long division (working
out how far it is from Crosshaven to La Coruna, how long it will take us if we
travel at an average of 5 knots, and how much water we will need per person and
in total – including measuring out the recommended 5 litres/person/day and
learning that this is about the average single toilet
flush…) ·
reading (about the Beaufort scale to find out the wind
speed in the gale 8 we had from Aber to Neyland, the instructions on the chick
pea packet because Bethany wanted to make humous, and their chosen reading
books) ·
calculating angles in a circle, addition and subtraction
(working out the degrees making up the points of a compass, N, NE, E, SE, S,
etc., changing course by adding and subtracting degrees, drawing pictures of the
compass rose and colouring it in). David and Lawrence seem to
be enjoying the practicals that accompany the school work – not so
sure about Beth and Bryn. Today David and Lawrence spent some time teaching Beth
and Bryn how to take compass bearings before letting the children test the
accuracy of their ‘passage plans’ (from the boat to the loos along the pontoon)
by pacing their plans out blindfolded. You'd have thought that the kids would
have twigged when David and Lawrence put on pirate gear and made the kids put on
their wetsuits and lifejackets before the test… Bryn didn’t make the length
of the boat before his passage plan went wrong, and David and Lawrence can’t
wait for school
tomorrow… |