Parrots, vultures, fridges and ‘ phones

We watched the Rugby World Cup semi-finals in
Vilamoura (with TENGY), and the final in Portimão (with TENGY, DRY WHITE, DAWN
RANGER, Watching the Rugby World Cup final (photo courtesy of Bryn). The parrot – possibly a South African supporter, as he squawked every time South Africa scored, and spent the rest of the time pulling out his feathers. Separate cabins for Beth and
Bryn Settled here in Portimão for a while, we have been
catching up with the ‘to-do list’. One of the jobs was to move one of the
children into the pilot berth (sorry Entry to the forward cabin is at your own risk! The saga of the fridge, the cockpit table and the mobile
‘phone We don’t have a fridge on board CAPE – we have
managed so far by begging salt ice from the nearest fish docks (usually free for
anything less than 25 kg), or buying small bags of ice (at 1.50€‑2.00€ a bag) to
keep our beer and meat cool. However, on the We have also managed so far without a cockpit
table. The fishing tackle box does for just drinks, but as the top of this only
comes to mid-shin height, eating off it is a bit of a challenge. We found a
lovely cockpit table in a mail order catalogue, but they didn’t deliver outside
of the As using our School, work, boat maintenance, and belly
boarding Our daily routine consists of school in the morning (plus work for me if necessary), lunch, jobs on the boat/shopping/laundry, then off to the beach for a swim or belly boarding if there are any decent waves. Now that the hour has gone back, it is dark soon after 6 pm, but still warm enough to sit out in the evening with a fleece. On the film front The BOUNTY (as starred in the 1962 film of ‘Mutiny
on the BOUNTY’ with Marlon Brando) came to stay in Portimão Marina for a few
days. The children were delighted to scramble around her and learn that she also
starred in ‘Pirates of the The BOUNTY.
Another exciting moment was the appearance in the marina of a black vulture. We looked this up on the internet and think it was probably a European Black Vulture (Aegypius monachus), about 1 metre in height with a wingspan of 2.5–3 metres – and a very large beak! The vulture landed, but didn’t stick around for long. My first dinghy sailing
lesson Today we launched the
Bethany and I heading out to sea, watched by an amused seagull sitting on the buoy, Ferragudo beach in the background. Spotlight on David in the
galley The CAPE market research department was
delighted to receive positive feedback on our alternative use for beer from
Jackie and Dave ( David’s Roasted Stuffed
Peppers This makes enough to fill 4 large red peppers and 2 adults and 2 kids after a day at the beach. Contains: 4 large red peppers, (best to buy non-bruised ones, and get the kids to drop them a couple of times on the way back to the dinghy from the supermarket) 0.75 ltrs of Sarah’s left over Corned beef Spag’ Bol’ plus 1 extra finely chopped onion Failing that, I would suggest: 1 finely chopped Chorizo (or 500g of minced beef) 2 onions finely chopped 2 cloves of garlic crushed and finely chopped 1 400g tin of plum tomatoes or tomato puree 1 onion finely chopped Seasoning of your choice to add flavour to it all 1 mug of cheap long-grain rice A big spoon to stir it all with Some olive oil 1 large roasting tin Pre-heated hot oven (about gas 4/5) 2 large G & Ts with ice
and lemon (This may be substituted for
Vodka and Coke, or a wine of your
choice.) Now go for it: Take large sip of G & T and prepare yourself to attack the food. Gently fry off the mince if using and drain off the fat. In the meantime peel and chop the onion and garlic (another sip of G & T needed here). Fry off the onion until just turning brown then add the garlic. Fry for further 2 mins, then add the Chorizo or mince, fry for further 2–3 mins. Season then add the tin of tomatoes/tomato puree bring to the boil and simmer until it has reduced a bit. Finish off G & T and ask for another one - you’re far too busy to make it yourself. Boil the water for the rice, add rice and cook according to packet. Try and time it all nicely, so it’s all ready at the same time. Drain the rice then blend into the meaty stuff using the big spoon, not a blender! Prepare the peppers by cutting off the tops and removing the seeds. Fill each pepper with the rice/meat stuff until full, placing the full peppers into the tin (in a nice neat pattern if that’s how you feel), drizzle over with olive oil. Place tin into preheated oven and drizzle over with olive oil once more during cooking to stop ‘em sticking to the tin (and help the washer-upper). Finish G & T, cook until peppers are soft. Serve to appreciative, starving family with wine of your choice, and enjoy! An added bonus is that you don’t have to do the washing up ‑ you did all the cooking…!!! |