Sun,sun,sun oh and its hot with spinnakker out all day ,do you like sailing ???

Thu 3 Dec 2009 18:28
18.14 n 43.44 w
Speed 6 kts
Sail plan Chute out all day
Swell 1 m
Wind 14 18 kts easterly
distance 136 miles
Swimming yes once
Very hot and brilliant sunshine sorry
is life tough ? well um no :-)
Wind dropped last night forcing us to motor sail
all night,But hey ho we did start with 480 L of diesel and still have over
400 L left
Its called organisation,organisation,organisation
isnt it hope I spelt it right doh..............
On inspection of sails to day noticed the thread on
the top of the main had started to part creating a 6 inch hole.
So plan A was to bring it down and sow it back up
no mean feat but easy if we could get it down, so we turned to wind not much fun
after youve been sailing with the wind and waves for 2 weeks.
We undid the shackle but decided it was more hassle
than it was worth as we could just as easily reef it in a foot the the damage
wouldnt be exposed.
another mid atlantic swim followed my trainig
session it was very hot thou,then we had master chef Jan cook another one of his
famous nasi goreng mmm lovely ( he will make someone a lovely wife one day
So a quite afternoon ahead I decided to bring
out my meag big trolling lures designed for fish between 40-- 60
But so far to no avail theres not that many flying
fish in this part of the ocean so I reckon they are near the start of the food
chain and of course that leads on to the bigger fish blah ,blah
Off for now
We all love you xxx