Fishing trip or sailing trip ? the one that got away ......... and the one we landed

Thu 10 Dec 2009 20:13
17.00 n 59.52 w
Speed 6 kts
Wind 22 kts easterly
distance to go 107 miles
Sail plan head sail only
water temp 29.3 c
air temp 34 c
fishing 1 large tuna
hot and sunny
A squally night with wind up to 30 kts and a few
rain showers,sailing just under head sail and look to make landfall by 11 am
Friday which will take us to exactly 3 weeks.
A good time for our beneteau 411 averaging just
under 6 kts.
Both water tanks are now dry with still 5-6 large
containers of water we have managed well,ahhh for a fresh water shower I've
heard they have them in Antigua can anyone confirm ???
Life has gone on today our last day pretty much as
every other except Jan has been let off all jobs due to a bad back.
I did my training this morning just over an
hour,but I've gotta say I'm dyeing for a walk to stretch my legs for more than a
few meters ahh the luxury.
We caught our biggest Dorado ever this afternoon
but after a monumental struggle between hunter and prey he got off hey ho 1 nil
to the fish. (Mike did manage to snap a quick photo of the fish leaping into the
air just before it freed itself from the line)
Only for 10 mins later a large blue fin tuna to
strike enough for 2 days for all us,he valiantly put up a fight but the training
must have kicked in and I landed him hooray.
So tonight our last supper will be pan fried tuna
with chili and garlic and some rice and ting ( deliberately spelt wrong as we
approach the carib)
We should have text contact from 12 00 pm gmt
tomorrow and will text everyone telling of safe landfall