The butter melted ..................

Wed 25 Nov 2009 16:49
19.36 n 24.10 w
Distance 146 miles
Wind 20 kts ne
swell 2-3 m
Sails headsail only no reefs
direction 275 mag
Engine hours 27.2
wildlife 1 turtle
Fish 2, wahey cmon markey
Warm sunny/partly cloudy
Lunch mike
Hydrovanes on so we dont need to do
Sailed very nicely through the night only needing
to charge the batterys at dawn,still not seen any other boats or ships thats
nothing for 3 days now.Even though the arc set off on sunday.
We are needing to turn engine on twice a day at the
moment to ensure enough power even though we are running at night with no lights
it seems pointless to waste power on nav lights when weve seen nothing for 3
Fuel consuption isnt a problem as we bought 480 L
of diesel enough to motor for 1100 miles if we needed to, but hey we havnt
needed to the wind has been superb.
I deliberatly decided to come this far south as had
heard the trades are stronger once below 19 n .
We have now done something very saily and gybe the
boat ,as there hasnt been a great deal to do we were all looking foward to this
immensely. LoL
But even better news than all of that I was allowed
to go fishing today hooray,and caught 2 small and 1 big dorado which was fileted
by greg ready for some stir fry for supper.
After a superb sausage lunch cooked by mike ( it
did need a little tabasco ) but dont tell him if you see him.
No sea water showers today so were all a bit
smelly,but all for one and one for all Lol.
Fruit and salad is still holding out although we
are eating well, Im trying to get fit ready for the beach in Antigua with the
weights I bought in puerto rico.
Tonights shifts are
Jan 8 pm ----11 pm
Mark 11pm--- 2am
Greg 2am ---5 am
Mike 5am --- 8 am
Btw we all know we made a cock up of the clocks
yesterday which Jan pointed out after the blog had been written and
Love to all
Mark ,Greg,Mike and Jan