Another day of drama at sea ............

Tue 24 Nov 2009 16:55
21.02 n 22.30 w
Speed 5.7 kts
swell 3-4 m
Hot and sunny
distance 143 miles
Wind speed 20 kts from n.e
wildlife 1 fish caught then thown back in
After dolphins in the dark last night and a good nights sleep my watch was 5 am till 8am the best one.
We had the genoa  halyard  break ,luckily we had a spare fitted by myself and mike in cepahlonia in the summer so were well prepared.
We turned to wind dropped the genoa attached the new halyard and were away within 30 mins.
This leaves us with only the spinnaker halyard as spare for the head sail so dicussion ensued this afternoon whether to go into cape verdes and rethread the halyard or continue as is.
As of this moment my feeling is to carry on ,as the halyard we used is brand new with no wear at all . 
We need to decide by midday tommorrow if we did go in it would add 2 days 300 miles to our trip.
We will see tommorrow what does our readers think ?
Lunch today was chilli con carne coooked by greg and very nice to and a new batch of bread was baked mmm.
I did some excersising on deck for 40 mins,and we made the very bold move of advancing our clocks 1 hour.
Progress is good and the swell is nowq quite far apart meaning a more comfortable ride.
Bye for now
Mark ,Mike,Greg and Jan