Cruising chute/spinakker out all day ......................

Sun 29 Nov 2009 18:59
19.38 n 34.22 w
warm and sunny
swell 1-2 m
wind 18- 23 kts easterly
water temp 26.2 c
Distance 153 miles
After having been given permission to fish
yesterday our resident angler ( me ) set about his task with grim determination
" I may be somewhile " .
Within 1 minute i do have 3
witness we landed a fine dorado 30 inchs
long weighing in at 5-6 kilos. My fastest strike ever i was hoping for a
slighlty longer fish but hey ho.
So sushi for tea it was but the dismal news is we
used our last lemon.
After making very good speed yesterday the wind
died slightly in the evening giving us between 5-6 kts.
We have barely used the engine so far prefering to
power up the batteries via the generator.
After gregs suggestion this morning we decided to
fly the chute very succesfully all day and lazed about in the cockpit playing a
few sounds from my laptop.
Lunch was very good a kind of fish hotpot cooked by
Jan and Greg and was very tasty.
Seen a few yachts in the distance called them upon
vhf but no reply.
Preparing once again night watch now where do the
days go ?....................
Love to all
Mark Jan Mike and Greg