Sardinia to Majorca

Sat 19 Sep 2009 13:31
39.34 n 2.38 e
After a few days and crew change in the beautiful city of cagliari in sardinia staying in marina del sole and meeting local notorious charachters Gary and Dave it was time to set for Menorca
A few days were spent coast hoping along the beautiful coast line  staying in pretty bays before the planned hop to menorca
The passage was 185 nm miles and involved 1 overnight with 30 hours in total heading for mahon in menorca
The day passed well with a comfortable journey and a little swell Dinner was prepared well and enjoyed and the evening turned to dusk with wind on the beam the sailing was very good and fast touching 7.5 kts and averaging 6 kts
As night settled we really had the feeling of ghosting along in the dark and a fantastic night watch was had in good company
We hardly saw any other vessels and as dawn rose we decided to get the fishing rods out again 40 mins later the rod went off and it felt big
After a little struggle we had a 4 ft tuna on the bathing platform who we named fred
He was quickly despatched and produced supper for all the yachts in the anchorage
We used the auto pilot a lot and under this pressure it failed but we manage to get it repaired in mahon and is now working well
The Cafe seerose