17:44.6S 168:18.82W Kady in Efata, Vanuatu

Hi Kady here, so blog was from my stay on Babe in Fiji and Vanuatu… I arrived in Fiji after a nice quick trip and a strange taxi driver that decided to give me his number when I got out the taxi! After unpacking and a bit of an explore we went to the Hard Rock Café to watch the daily 6pm YMCA! Which they also repeat at 6am! Very random! We they had a few drinks and dinner, followed by more drinks and more drinks! As always seems to happen on that boat! The next day we sailed over to somewhere to anchor for the night, and a Fiji ferry had to radio us and tell us we were going the wrong way when it passed us and we were about to hit loads of reef! When we finally dropped anchor we went to land for a drink then just had an early night on the boat before setting sail to musket cove the next morning. Musket cove was gorgeous, proper posh resort which we were allowed to use all the facilities during our stay, it had an amazing pool and pretty good island bar just down from the boats. On the second night at Musket cove it was the Oyster party, which ended up with most people in the swimming pool, and a random naked man on the island in the middle of the pool dancing around (no not dad)! After a nice relaxing massage in the spa the next day the following night was much more subdued, we even lost dad at 10pm and found him fast asleep in bed!! The following morning, at stupid o’clock we set off for a 3 day sail to Vanuatu. It turned out after being on the boat a few hours I found out dad had lied to me and 3 days actually meant 3 nights and 4 days! Not impressed! The sail started alright, weather was amazing and sailing was really smooth and I was starting to wonder what I was so scared of! But by the third day in like 20knts of wind and the boat going crazy and me flying half way across the boat into the table, I soon remembered my fears!! Being stuck at sea is also super super boring! Like I literally read like 2 books in a day, there is just nothing to do but clock watch! I also had the crazy idea of making biscuits in the crazy winds, which was pretty amusing for mum and Nelius, and pretty rubbish for me! We finally sort of saw land through the clouds early in the morning and found our way in to the bay bit and dropped the anchor until we could go in and moor, a few hours later when they were coming to get us to take us in to moor we found the anchor was stuck and we were stuck out to sea. Obviously I was not best impressed with this! We were surrounded by land but stuck out at sea! Everything started working again and we went in to moor and found once again we were right opposite a bar, perfect! The locals brought us a plank which they expected us to use to get on and off the boat, we quickly got rid of that! Just like Fiji, Vanuatu is also a big drunken blur! Me and a few others went on a zip wire course up in the mountains which was pretty awesome, amazing views, but slightly scary! There was another Oyster party which was meant to be a sit down dinner, nothing crazy, but of course it turned crazy! We ended up in some warehouse nightclub called V after getting in a bus and telling him to take us somewhere to dance! There were roller shutter doors and the whole place was painted black and we were the only people there! The staff came to join us to dance, then after a few hours one of the bar staff put a load of chicken and chips on the bar for us to eat! We rolled back to the boats at about 4am, only to be up for 9am for an Island tour! The tour was pretty fun, the tour driver didn’t actually speak but still, we got the gist of it! After taking us for lunch where there was a band which only seemed to know 2 songs, we went to the WW2 museum. The museum was actually a tiny shack on the side of the road filled with beer bottles and coke bottles, and the man who ran this museum was the most excitable man we have ever seen, very passionate about his coke bottles!! Vanuatu continued with some more random nights out to very empty clubs and then the day before we were meant to leave we found out about the charity horse races on the island which were said to be a massive festival and unmissable! Soooo mum and dad decided they were going to stay for it and as I do best, I very last minute changed my flight! So the day of the races came and due to a few of us being a bit hungover we had a lazy morning and headed to the races at about 1pm. Thinking it would be quite like normal races we all got a bit dressed up! However as we were on our way down an extremely muddy dirt road we soon regretted this! Our taxi driver was slightly crazy and overtaking everyone on the thinnest road with other taxi’s coming straight for us! Obviously encouraged by dad!! We finally arrived alive and were greeted by the muddiest field ever, overgrown grass and a sort of non-existent race track! It was very funny watching people dressed up in white dresses and stilettos trying to stay upright!! We all went into a tent for the day and had a brilliant day cheering the same horses go round the track and lose all our money! We found out a few of the people from the boats were in the posh tent, so as the day went on me dad and a few others decided to sneak in and steal the beer! The night carried on with more alcohol and drunkenness! Mum and dad set sail for Australia the next day in the big high seas and crazy winds, whilst I checked into a hotel ready to fly the next day! Soz folks no photies as our samller camera appears to have decided to go its separate way and do it’s own trip around the world or somewhere – hopefully he’ll get lonely and come home L |