Leaving Messina

Austins' Travels
Chris & Lynn Austin
Tue 6 Sep 2011 07:39
38:11.96N 15:33.50E
At last we are leaving Messina.Engine was fixed Monday afternoon. After DHL delivered the parts it took about half an hour to fix!! The surveyor came at 1730 and took 20 minutes to give us a document stating seaworthiness so the harbourmaster can be satisfied.
However the harbourmaster only works till 1200 (!) on Mondays so we waited till 0900 Tuesday to request permission to leave and return of our ship's registration papers. Forms and photocopies were completed in two different buildings but the process only took 15 minutes and we are finally leaving.
Weather forecast is headwinds again until Friday so we will probably sail/motor during days only for the next two days, firstly to the Eolian Isands and then west Siciily (Palermo area). We will decide the exact plan as we experience exactly what the weather does outside of the Straits - where it funnels through at speed and is currently about 20 knots.
Some more pictures here from the berth in Messina marina.