Spindrift ARC Log - Day 9

Austins' Travels
Chris & Lynn Austin
Mon 28 Nov 2011 14:45
The fish we caught yesterday was delicious. Nothing caught today so far but we still have time before dinner.
During the night the rope that holds the headsail broke. It had worn through where it passes through the pole that is holding the sail in position so it doesn't flap when the waves roll the boat and knock the wind out of it. We need to be more vigilant in looking for signs of chafe on the ropes. This meant that a metal pole over 3 metres long is waving around the foredeck threatening anything in its way. Neil was on watch on his own and quickly rolled up the genoa so it was safe and was then joined by Chris A and then Ken who had heard the parting of the rope and subsequent activity. When the pole was tamed we decided to leave repairs till daylight and sailed on under mainsail alone until about 0400 when the wind shifted and strengthened and we were able to set the genoa without a pole. This morning we reverted to a poled genoa and the good news is that we are able to steer our desired best course with this rig which has not been possible for a couple of days of days now.
The day has been uneventful so far - trundling along at just under 6 knots in the right direction and the usual round of daily tasks except that we saw a ship. This is the first sight of anything for about 4 days.
We have been a bit disappointed with progress over the last day or two so it is encouraging for everyone to be close to our target speed and be on a direct route. The wind is still a bit variable and we would benefit from a stronger and more consistent wind that is normal in the trade wind belt.