The passage from
Cape Verde to the
Azores was always likely to be the hardest of
the trip – 1400 M or more of windward sailing with possibly strong winds in the
NE Trades. We left Mindelo on 23 April (Shakespeare’s birthday) in a NE 4, just
behind the two German yachts heading the same way. We were seen off by a large
pod of pilot whale as we cleared the Santo Antao channel, then sailed on a close
reach for several days without incident on a course which would put us somewhat
to the west of the Azores. On Sunday 26th the wind steadily picked up
to F5-6 occ 7, so we put in all reefs and had a fairly uncomfortable couple of
days with water everywhere as the bows submarined through 5 m waves. Fortunately
the crew (Eric, Brian and Tony) had gelled well and was working as an excellent
team, so we all managed to sleep and get regular meals. Respite came in the form
of five days of light to moderate winds from ENE that allowed us to straighten
our course and actually enjoy the sailing. The wind freshened again for several
days, but by this time we were adjusted to what to expect and had improved the
windvane adjustment and steering trim, so excitement was limited to animated
discussion about the relative merits of a bit more sail and more weather helm
(Eric) or keeping the sail effort forward and trimming to neutral helm (Tony).
Brian wisely didn’t take sides until he could see who had made the better call.
The wind finally went light when we were about 50M west of Faial so, discovering
that he tack angle was hopeless in such light conditions, we started the engine
and motored to Horta on Faial, arriving
accompanied by dolphins at 0400 on Wed 6th May. We had done 1447
logged miles in just under 13 days. The German single-hander’s catamaran had
arrived 7 hours ahead of us, and gave us the news that Rudy (in a heavy
double-ender with a damaged bowsprit) had lost his mast and entire rig but was
motoring and should arrive withi a couple of days (which he thankfully did). For
the last couple of days we have rested, eaten well, cleaned Amoret and done some
minor repairs and been for a long country walk, enjoying the green landscape and
spectacular wild flowers and watched over by the high summit of Pico a few miles
across the strait. For the birders, the main spectacle of the trip was several
close passes by red-billed tropic birds and by arctic skuas.