Down the Channel - Aug 29-30

Sun 31 Aug 2008 16:59
Friday and Saturday offered a brief break in the
westerlies so we (Tony and Olivia) left Port Solent with the aim of getting to
Falmouth before the forecasts changed their minds. Things were pretty much as
advertised with a light SE breeze turning easterly, an overcast sky and
fairly poor visibility. Since we were on big spring tides we didn't want to risk
grinding to a halt during the two foul tide periods so we motor-sailed all the
way.The main entertainment on the passage was provided by an aircraft carrier
(not one of ours) that slowly overtook us near Portland Bill, then
turned inshore across our course, did a 180 to cross us again and repeated this
until he grew tired of it and faded into the dusk. In the western end of Lyme
Bay there was the usual apprehension about the intentions of the numerous large
ships manoeuvring near the anchorage area, but after rounding Start Point
we had the place pretty much to ourselves until the Falmouth approaches. We
moored in Falmouth Marina so that we could have a week's Cornish holiday
enjoying the pasties and the Doom Bar ale until Paul Farrell arrives by train on
Saturday. After that we'll leave as soon as we have a reasonable weather window
for W Brittany or Spain.