Day 15

Sat 20 May 2023 00:39
34:23.0N 42:03.0W

Day 15

A day that stopped before it started. 

I started the process of brushing my teeth at 0610. Then one thing, after another, after another meant that I actually completed the task at about 1510. 

We had a great team talk over lunch and dinner. A really good, solid crew — a team it is a privilege to both lead and be a part of.

Plenty of giggles and tomfoolery. Chased down some water ingress sources. Limited success, to 100% confidence in source, though we are on the right track. Standard, checking with the log each hour. 

Genset and RO Unit continue to offer their distinct personality. Genset showing a collection of errors, though does get going with more than a little TLC (Tender Loving Care). 

The Chocolate Cheese Loving Monster that originates from Southern Italy demolished most of the core contents. The Brits onboard being grateful for the morsels that were throw our way. Plenty of good radio traffic and weather note comparing with the Old Man on Juliana and the XO on Aqualina. 

All seeing the same things happen at about the same time. Aqualina running pretty blind with limited fuel and no weather data. Will keep them posted with updates as we receive them. 

Andy served up a great take on the traditional Shashuka for dinner. Good success. 


Fair breeze

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