Cala di San Pedro towards Ibiza

Sun 25 Aug 2013 15:38
37:11:81N 01:30:42W

25 August 2013

This is written en route, to bring the blog up to date.

We weighed anchor early and were off by 07:45. The wind had become more helpful over night and we are riding the wind shifts in about 8 to 10 kn trying to progress towards Ibiza or a fall back of Cartagena or the coast beyond.

We worked out last night that we are roughly due south of Huddersfield, and in the next day or so will pass the Meridian and coordinates will be East, from then on. We will be to the east of Ipswich as we arrive in Ibiza, having gone round the westernmost point of Continental Europe and back again.

We have seen a leaping sword fish today, flashing in the sunlight as it repeatedly breached. Only about 2 or 3 feet long but a beautiful and perfect machine.

We have reset some of the calibration on the autopilot this morning, which is now more economical in its movement and better all round as a result.

As I sit here now, it is touch and go whether the wind will allow us to round the point on this tack. We will be sailing through the night tonight, and we will just have to see. I really do not want to motor.