Kupang - Part II
Some what later than I had hoped….here is Kupang part
II. We joined with Hugh & Shaun and Michael & Lorraine
of Stargazer & Big Blue for a day trip around the local area of Kupang.
This was arranged with Simon, one of the “helpers” we meet on shore
in Robins Bar. He was also to be our guide. First stop the local museum. This was a larger than expected
establishment with many interesting exhibits all about Nussa Tenggara. It was a
little run down and frankly a bit sad. It was in need of some serious TLC and
decent lighting to bring it to life. This was followed by a trip to a small settlement within
what appeared to be a park on the beach. Once again the area was run down with
trash every where. One family were living here and making a living by creating
an Indonesian version of Fudge cake from the sugar sap from Sweat Palm trees.
They climb these trees, and cut a stem which would normally bear fruits, then
hang a basket from this point to collect the sweat sticky residue. This they
collect this following morning and then over a charcoal fire, in blackened cast
iron pots, boil the mix with water for some two to three hours. This is then
poured in to moulds and the reduced contents set to form a sort of fudge. VERY
sweat, but tasty too. This family also kept pigs, and chickens and had two simply
adorable young children. Next stop was to another home, that doubled up as a
workshop and showroom for the local 36 stringed musical instrument. This looked like an extra ordinarily complicated instrument
to play. The young chap on the left of the picture is the local expert. He in
fact has played for the President of the This was a fully working family. In another
“room” of the home, Mum was weaving the local Ikat cloth. Each weaver has her own unique pattern. The thread is dyed
using local herbs and raw materials. The piece of cloth she is currently
weaving in this picture will take approximately one month to weave on this hand
loom. Around her on the dirt floor, chickens and chicks were scratching the
earth looking for food. After lunch, in yet another wedding parlour, we moved
onto see a local beauty spot, the water falls. Sadly this too was very tacky as
the ground was strewn with plastic bags, drink containers and cigarette ends
and not a waste bin in sight. The highlight of this part of the tour were
the poisonous spiders…………. This chap was larger than my hand!! Apparently a young boy
of 8 years died here a couple of months back when he was swimming and on
climbing out of the water, inadvertently put his hand on one of them.
Naturally there were no warning signs ……….. So we were all
very careful where we put our hands and feet after that! Finally we were taken to a park where there are two troupes
of Macaque Monkeys. We feed them on Monkey nuts (of course) and Michael was very
popular with his pieces of Apple. They were very comical and remarkably timid, given that they
were an obvious tourist attraction. The one above certainly knew how to
entertain himself!!! After the tour we returned to the boat and got on with all
the usual yachtie chores like re-fuelling (from cans lugged ashore) and engine
checks and stocking up on essential supplies like a case of Bintang beer etc. On out last evening in Kupang, the Mayor had arranged
for party for the Blue Water Rally. This started out with local dancers
performing a couple of traditional dances, then speeches by the mayor himself.
Then a member from each country was introduced to the mayor and we were all
given a welcome gift of a scarf make from Ikat cloth. This was followed by a
speech of thanks and goodwill by
Next stop it was to be We are currently on passage to Moyo, a village and resort on
a small Island just north of the |