Blighty at Last
After 62 hours at sea, we arrived here last night at 1020. Total
distance from La Coruna 441 nm. Total distance on the trip so far 2241nm. Our
current position is 40 degrees 5 mins North, 5 degrees 7 mins West. The weather on the whole was kind to us, but not ideal for
sailing. The winds started off from the North, and then were mainly cyclonic (
or as Jennie rather amusingly called them “mainly psychotic”). They
were all over the place, especially during the build up to the thunder storms.
I have never seen such big rain storms before (even when I lived in On the last day we made a big “push” to get here
so that we could at least spend some time moored up for our Wedding Anniversary.
As we crept into the river last night it was inky black, with no moon or stars
to light up the mooring buoys. So Jennie stood on the fore deck with a torch,
and the boat hook, looking for a spare buoy. As luck would have it we spotted a
suitable candidate almost immediately, and the crew grabbed it first time. Well
she is an expert at picking up buoy’s!!! We then made good our stout mooring line and a back up line
to the rather rusty chain, and then a celebratory G&T followed by a very
welcome hot shower. Man, it felt good to be clean again, after 3 days at
sea. We decided it would be a waste of money toasting our anniversary
and arrival with some expensive bubbly, as we were both knackered. So
crew served up a wonderful Sea Bass meal, with some stunning Spanish dry white
wine (Marques de Risca from the Rueda). Then we collapsed into bed, and
were awoken by the harbour master at 0930 this morning, looking for his mooring
fee. He was invited to come back later!! After a couple of cups of tea, it was time to erect the
dingy for the trip ashore and a good long walk. Just as I started the heavens opened.
Oh to be back in |