More Lanzarote Tourism + J Yachts
I guess my Blogs are developing a “ On with the tourism and entertainment……….. The North end of the The picture above is a Vineyard. Lanzarote style. Each vine
has its own little wall which acts as a wind break to protect the fruit. We saw
loads of these as we toured around, and also masses of Cactus farms where they
harvest Aloe Vera. The other amazing thing we saw were stunning flowering
plants at the road side. These are very expensive in the The other evening we had a formal Rally Diner dance. This
was staged in an incredible setting. It was a massive restaurant in a cave,
which was surrounded by pools. It was quite impossible to get good pictures of
this setting with our regular camera. Once again I forgot to take the Nikon. After the dinner, we were entertained by our very own Blue
Water Rally Band. They go under the name of “Accidental Gybe”.
There were classical guitar duets, singing duets and even some of the “boat children” performed. There is some real musical talent amongst the
performers on BWR and we had a ball. This made up for the dreadful
meal…………………………… The tourist office then provided us with entertainment in
the form of Lanzarote Country Dancing. All very serious stuff, and diametrically opposite to
Scottish Country Dancing. But it is fascinating to see how different
cultures find ways to meet up with the opposite sex……… Whilst we have been here two of the famous J Class yachts
came in for a couple of days to Puerto Calero. One was Ranger and I did not
manage to “clock” the other one. They are just stunning and HUGE!
Regrettably due to fannying about with the Boom we never did get a chance
to take pictures of them. Talking of which. We still have no Boom!!!!! It was supposed
to happen at 1000 this morning, then 1100 then 1500 . Meantime we just wasted
masses of time and ended up racing around the But the outcome of Jennie’s endeavours is that the
main saloon of the boat now resembles a fruit and veg’ shop on market
day. The forecast for tomorrow is…………..
fit the Boom at 0900, then get the mainsail on, then a test sail. If all goes
well we shall then attend the rally farewell lunch. Then furiously pack up the
boat. That is if we decide to leave on Saturday. There is no wind forecast
until Tuesday next week, and I really do not want to start our Atlantic
crossing by motoring for four days. Then worrying about diesel reserves.
On the other hand we do want to leave with the majority of the fleet. We
shall have to see if all goes well with the Boom fitting and testing tomorrow,
and what the weather forecast is on Saturday morning. More
Anon…………………………… |