More Alcoutim & Cadiz 36:32:46N 06:17:03W
There had been so much to say about the Rio Gaurdiana, that
my previous missive was in reality the “edited highlights”. So I
thought I would put that right and perhaps do a little more justice to the
area. I had mentioned that we were a little disappointed with the
river, but in reviewing the pictures we took (loads), this was perhaps a little
harsh. As the pilot books would say “the place was definitely not without
interest”! I mentioned the wading birds. So here is a Stork,
going about its business……. The river also had some interesting architecture, especially
in the waterside properties……… And clearly some boaters had stayed too long………………………………………. The Spanish town opposite Alcoutim also deserves more of a
mention, because the retreating Portuguese King, burnt it down in the 13th
Century, but much of the 11th Century castle survived……………….. Finally, the architecture of the Castle in Alcoutim was
rather special………………………. But I save the best to last!!! I mentioned yesterday that we had a yummy meal in a
restaurant in Alcoutim. Well I did not give you the whole story at that time.
The restaurant was arranged on two floors, on a hillside. So although Jennie
and I were on the top floor, nearest the window, come fire escape, it was in
fact at ground level. This exit was constructed of a metal bar style
retractable gate, in the manner of lift gates in old buildings. I was surprised
to note that this was closed, but assumed this was to stop dinners leaving
without paying! Wrong!! The reason was to stop “Scruffy” the dog
form getting in and pestering the guests. Just as we started to eat, he appeared. Right on cue. I have
never seen such a dramatic performance from dog. (Serious Oscar quality).
You just had to apply masses of will power to resist giving up all of your food
to this “poor thing”. Ah well, Jennie as some of you might be aware,
is rather fond of dogs. (Massive understatement). So she did manage to finish
most of her meal before she became completely seduced by Scruffy, and promptly
took a chunk of MY meal and gave it to Scruffy. He was so thrilled at this minor
triumph, that he promptly marched up three steps, cocked his leg and had a pee.
Nice one Scruffy. He of course
returned for more. And he got lots of it. Jennie by this time had the undivided
attention of all the other diners, and so was being handed their lunches to
dispense to Scruffy. Even the Germans were giving up their grub to watch this
mad dog (That’s Jennie) feed the animal. At this point I noticed
that Scruffy had a collar. Thank God for that, otherwise Scruffy would no doubt
be having a lay in …. On my bunk, whilst I sleep on deck So after much entertainment we headed back down the river,
on our trusty river boat. As with all Portuguese craft they have enticing
names. VR-791CL49 in this case. Such a
romantic lot! Our trip to |