Catching Up
It’s been six days since we last updated the blog, and
quite a bit has happened in the intervening period. We are currently in the above mentioned marina, in the Ria de
Arosa. Our position is 42 degrees 36 mins North, 8 degrees 56 mins West. We left Bayona, (for the third time), on 3rd August,
heading for Isla Ons. We had managed to get the VHF radio working again, but
sadly both the weather fax and the Navtex are still not working. It looks like
the main mast head amplifier is “no more” and we will need to get a
new one fitted once back in Dartmouth. Still the good news is that we are able
to get detailed weather via the Mailasail server, from both the French and Met
office services. The weather for the last week, has to say the least, been
difficult. One minute there is no wind, then literally from know where, we
suddenly find we have force 6 to 7 NE winds. This makes a lot of anchorages
untenable. As was the case on the 3rd August when we got
to Islas Ons. The only anchorage there is open to the NE and the winds were
gusting 35 knots. Anchoring or picking up any of the restaurant buoys was out
of the question. So we diverted to Sangenjo in the Ria de Ponteveidra. Sangenjo
is anther Vilamoura. There was once a tiny fishing village, with some lovely
granite buildings, a few of which still survive. But the predominant architecture
is that of the 1960’s. All packed in as tight as possible. There is one main
beach. I have never seen so many people packed in so, tightly, on a beach. You
could hardly see the sand! There were just thousands of holiday makers.
They are served by hundreds of restaurants, bars and discos (more of which
later). Sangenjo marina (Nautico) was completed relatively recently,
and it is well designed with all the facilities you would expect, catering for
Super Yachts of 160 feet or more down to little fishing boats. The exception
was its security, which was pitiful. Given we were charged Euro 52 per night, (the
most expensive so far) we were surprised that this was so lax, especially
as this part of Whist we were there, two of the sail training ships that
have been in the Tall Ships Race, followers fleet came in. Each one had what
seemed like dozens of young people on them, aged 14 to early 20’s. The
first ship to come in had been at sea for 3 days for the Cascais to Sangenjo leg,
and before that some 5 days on the On Friday night we decided to eat on the boat as the local
restaurants do not start serving food until after 10pm. So after a nice meal, bottle
of wine and a game of Pass the Pigs, we headed for bed. We were awoken at around 0400 by about 20 youngsters from
the training ships plus some local Spanish admirers, having an impromptu
pontoon party, adjacent to our boat. After 20 minutes of this, I had an
exchange of pleasantries with them and they moved on. It was then we heard the
discos! They simply got louder and louder and did not stop until after 0600 in
the morning. So we thought it time to move on. Off we headed for Ria de Arosa. As we dropped our mooring
lines there was not a breath of wind. Crystal clear skies and despite the sleep
depravation, all was well with the world. The forecast was for another force 7
NE wind, with Force 8 later in the day. Within 10 minutes of leaving the marina
we had F7 on the nose, and it stayed that way for several hours. So we motored
around the Ria, taking in the sights. There are countless floating rafts here
that are called “Viveros”. These are used to cultivate Mussels. So
a sharp lookout needs to be kept at all times. It was too rough or windy to
contemplate any of the anchorages we had considered in the Ria, so we headed
for a marina in the North East corner, called Villagarcia. When we got there it
was full. This was starting to feel like the The only down side we have seen is that the marina is still “work
in progress”, and finding anyone to speak English has so far drawn a
blank. The other feature of the last week has been the forest
fires. Apparently there are in excess of 30 fires raging around the Rias at
this time. Last night we had one on the hills directly up wind from here, and
the whole area was covered in an acrid smoke. This was stinging to the eyes,
and today I had to hose off the ash from the boat. As with the Last evening a Vancouver 38 pilot Salon came in and we
helped them moor up. The Skipper is a Spaniard, with an English wife and they
live in The weather forecasts for going around Hopefully the weather will become kinder over the next few
days. If not we will have to consider leaving the boat here and flying home. |