Daily Log 29.05.07

Wing and a Prayer
Joy Hughes
Tue 29 May 2007 17:41
Wind: 15kts NW
Weather: Sunny & warm
Distance Travelled: on the log 121 , Total on the log 562 miles, total over
the ground is 583 miles , 1717 miles to go
We did 188 miles over ground yesterday
Hi 's Everybody
Shock, horror! It's rained. OK, it wasn't exactly a tropical storm. In fact,
you probably wouldn't insult it by calling it shower, but after 10 days of
unbroken sunshine, it came as a bit of a surprise, especially to Wiggy, who
happened to be on deck at the time.
We are currrently under spinnaker with no main, making around 5 knots over
the ground. Yesterday we were well and truly in the Gulf Stream, banging
along at a great rate of knots. At one point we were hitting 9+ knots over
the ground which helped us put in the fantastic distance reported above,
which is a record for Wing & A Prayer.
The bad news from the purser is that the tonic might not last the distance.
Any suggestions for making gin and sea water palatable will be most welcome.
Alternatively, if supplies do begin to run short we'll have to pop into the
nearest Tesco to top up.
Oh, and Graham still hasn't caught a fish.
Best Regards