Passage to Cuba
21.11.71w 081.12.87 On passage from The sun is
shining, the winds blowing about 24 knots from the east and the seas about 3
meters. We have just been given a delightful display of acrobatic swimming by a
pod of porpoises and we are about 30 miles from our destination the island of
Caya It hasn’t been quite like this all the way. We left Montego Bay Yacht Club marina on Monday. The
weather was forecast to be 20 to 25 kts. Decreasing. However as we left the
marina we were hit with winds of 28 kts and these stayed with us for 24 hours.
Sailing with a reefed Jib we rocked and rolled. As we reached the Weather forecasts!!!!!, We need a reliable one. But we are safe and the boat is sound and we don’t have too many incidents like this. Thank Goodness!! But back to where I left you sailing on passage to Jamaica. We arrived in The town outside the marina complex was back into the
real We made two stops along the north coast. Dripped our
anchor overnight at Discovery bay and Port Marie both small towns and then on
to I had never
thought of coming to The only grumble we had was Customs very friendly but so laid back that to get clearance when we were ready to leave took for ever . Now before I close I must tell you about Grahams fish. As you are aware Graham does enjoy fishing. To
date we have caught quite a number of fish, reasonable size for meal or two. On
our sail along the northern coast of Graham must have been reeling him in and out over an hour until we thought he would be tired and then with fingers crossed he got him up to the boat and lifted him in quickly with the rod. The fish landed with a bang, the hook flew out of his mouth, Graham and I jumped up on to the seats as all 4ft of fish thrashed about at the back of the boat. Quite a sight! We eventually got a grip of ourselves and constrained the fish long enough to give him a tot of vodka to send him to fish heaven. The freezer is now full and Graham is not allowed to fish again until we have eaten it all. By which time I will have hopefully bought him a gaff hook and my memory of the incident will be less clear.
Will keep you informed. Look after yourselves and keep the E mail coming Joy |