Slow and fast

Fri 26 May 2017 08:04
A slower day yesterday, but winds picked up overnight, and we bowling along
at 7.5 plus knots again, we are expecting lighter weather ahead and starting
to fret about the winds in the Gibraltar Straights, we don't want
Good news is that Giles has officially joined the watch system and we now
have plenty of time off. We will probably double up on watches as we
approach the Straights as there is so much traffic, We are heading directly
for the traffic separation Zones and will take these rather than the inshore
route, but we are 3 days away yet.
We have also moved our ships clock forward 1 hour so we are now exactly the
same time as UK, which feels quite bizarre as we started 5 hours behind UK
summer time.
We have one hour to go forward in a few days, so we will have travelled
through 6 times zones
The Captain made the crew scrambled eggs for breakfast yesterday, which had
the crew quite amused as they assumed the Captain was unaware that there is
a galley on Truant.