Day 6

Fri 12 May 2017 12:09
A quiet day yesterday with relatively light winds, but a sailing day. We
used the day to do some maintenance and repairs. Heads were stripped down
and are now functioning properly. We also finished the last of the tidy up
of the fresh water leak. We made lots of fresh water yesterday.
Winds have now shifted very much to the SSE, we are expecting a front to
roll over us tomorrow afternoon, bringing a gale for a while and the winds
to clock to the SW. Which will put is on a port tack for the first time,
Sunday we hope winds will abate. Winds at the moment are about 20/22Knots
and we are bowling along at 8 Knots plus.
Paul cooked Chicken and Pasta last night, which was delicious. We watched
half of the movie Ted 2 last night, not for children's ears!!