Calm seas

Thu 25 May 2017 09:32
The wind seemed to die on us last night and we have been motoring though the
night, this morning what wind there is is gradually moving to the north east
which is good, at present we have 1.4 knots of apparent wind, and as Truant
is not the lightest of girls, even she needs the aid of the engine. We were
concerned yesterday about a forecast which gave a deep low pressure system
forming, but latest weather seems to show it not developing. It appears that
we might have light winds through to Gibraltar, but we are a few days off to
be certain.
Good news, Giles is now feeling much better, and hopefully will be taking a
watch so easy days coming for the crew, maybe??
Still seeing lots of Dolphins and the occasional whale spout, also two ships
but not much else, There is still quite a swell running so not all plane