Gatun Lake

Fri 20 May 2011 02:37
15:00 Arrived at the flats to await pilot at 16:00
18:00 pilot arrived
18:30 on waiting pontoon by lock gates â 2 huge
alligators on a mud bank, another in the water
rafted up with small French boat to port and catamaran to starboard, so we
provided the motor power and steering from the middle
Engine leaking water from pump attachment â bilge pump in use
1900 In lock behind ship Xiang Amcheng
19:23 Second lock
19:42 Third lock â bilge pump stopped working â Bernie to
the hand pump
20:43 Moored to buoy in Lake Gatun - French sitting in
cockpit drinking and eating
21:30 John A has fixed bilge pump â now in engine with
gaffer tape â Bernie cooking dinner
Due to start again 06:00 (Panamanian time)