Erik Lindgren/Pia Hultgren
Sat 21 May 2016 20:48
13:15.07S 163:06.43W
Here we are now.
Anchored in the middle of the big blue ocean. Have look at the map, it is
far away!
Arriving into the atoll of Suwarrow in the morning with 20 knots of average
wind and squalls all around was a bit challenging.
With a wind component a little bit too much from south (direction around
140 deg) also waves were a bit big.
We could hardly see the corals when we anchored.
Captain Erik was very close to decide to leave straight to Niue, but then I
said I found a quite good spot for the anchor
(also I knew that the wind should turn more east, and decrease next
-and we let i go!
What a beautiful place when the weather once settled and the lovely sun
came with blue skies!
And we are now so glad to be here beside this mysterious island, at clear
water with sharks swimming around everywhere.
There is a book written by Tom Niel about his time living on Suwarrow all
by himself for several years. I found the book very interesting,
and now we are here able to imagine how his life appeared.
We will discover the island, the waters and come back!
Stay tuned,
Erik & Pia