Welcome to Easter holiday

Erik Lindgren/Pia Hultgren
Sat 26 Mar 2016 08:35
17:30.22S 149:49.25W
In Sweden we call today the long Friday.
For our new crew, Sara, Sofia and William this day probably has been the longest in their lifes.
That is what happens when you travel west, and long distans west.
Anyway, this Friday morning local Tahiti time they arrived to Spirit!
We met at the Papete airport and it was really great to see the kids and happy Sara.
Spirit arrived to Papete yesterday. We had a smooth 30 hours sailing from the Tuamotus, and again a strange feeling came to us coming in to the civilization again.
Outside Tahiti there is a reef, and you have to navigate in a certain passage to get in to the calm water inside.
Here in Papete the harbour interferes with the airport in a way that we have to call the air traffic control on the vhf and get a clear to go...
but the aeroplanes landes and took off and it was a bit thrilling being around with a mast of around 27 metres high.
After some breakfast and shower, Spirit left Papete and Tahiti towards the sister island Moorea.
Here we enjoy clear water swimming and relaxing.
Finally the long Friday has come to an end and soon we all sleep sweet on a safe anchorage.
Spirit, Erik and I are so happy to have Sara, Sofia and William here for some beautiful Easter sailing and holidays.
Happy Easter to you!!

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