Sealions everywhere

Erik Lindgren/Pia Hultgren
Fri 19 Feb 2016 14:38
89:36.70W Dear
friends and family!! Sailing
between Las Perlas, Panama and Galapagos has been absolutely fantastic. After
two days with quite strong winds and high speed, everything settled around 10
knots for a while. Yes, I mean that with our code 0 and wind of 10 knots we
sailed in 10 knots! Slowly the wind decreased to 8 knots, and Spirit sailed in 8
knots! Added to this we often experienced a favourable current of 1-2
knots. Ahhhhh the sailing feeling was great! And the
warm beautiful nights half with about half moon, and half with “only”
stars. In the
early, early morning of the 16th february we approached the equator with smoth
sailing in 6-7 knots. King
Neptun served Whiskey and now every four of us has sailed over the equator. A
magic moment! Winds
dropped and we were in the Doldrums. The big sea like a huge mirror with a
beautiful sunrise. Captain
Erik wanted to do a last check on the hull before going into San Christobal, the
first island in the Galapagos archipelago. In
harbour a huge inspection waited for us. Well
anchored in the nice harbour 10 different officials came with a watertaxi to
Spirit. 8 went on board and 2 dived on our bottom and hull to check if they
would find any barnacles or to much green “hair” Erik and I welcomed the other 8 into the boat where the airconditioning was going on. For one hour we filled in paper, they asked Erik lots of questions, went in and out in our cupbards reading due date on every tin and coke. Also our first aid kit the went through and there found a couple of items that had passed due date. I really had do look the doctor in her eyes and ask her if it would be possible to keep those burn gel and anti allergic shock medicine. Those things we have been told are ok for some years more...and yes, we were allowed to keep it. Finally
one hour later the inspectors left the boat (although one of them liked Spirit
so much that he wanted to stay) -every
one were happy and we got an big OK. Spirit is clean and environmental friendly
inside and underneath. Jihaaaa!!
Now we
are exploring this unique beautiful island of San Christobal. The sea
lions rule this place. If you are not careful you easily get sea lions on and in
your boat...with a intricate smell and mess... But they
are so cool, pretty and happy. They really inspire and to relax and –don’t
worry, be happy! We also
went to a sweetwater lake in the middle of a volcano. Here the beautiful
Frigatebirds fly and swim. Next
fascinating animal we explored was the tortoises. They are so slow and growing
through their whole lifes. The biggest –and oldest are about 1,5 m and weight
around 250 kg. And they live for 150 –200 years!! On a
visit to a small farm in the middle of the island we saw all exotic fruits
youcan imaging groing –including cocoa and coffee. Everything so tasty, genuine and beautiful. I think Erik most enjoyed the small sweet bananas! We will
go on exploring. Tell more soon. All the
best to you! Erik,
Pia Lena and
Eivind |